Tabletop RPG Resources

Welcome to a vibrant, evolving list of tabletop RPG links and resources chosen by yours truly! On this page, you will find an assortment of eclectic and useful tools, documents, software, media, and references that peak our interest in the modern day!

Obviously, this is a list under construction. Some resource and link lists take time to actualize and assemble. However, as the content is ever-evolving anyhow, we’ve decided to put it up, and work on it as we go along!

This is by no means an exhaustive list; there is barely a limit to how many useful, informative, and crazy resources exist for players and game masters out there; so much so that I’ve needed to begin creating separate lists for specific games. 

Below, you will find a curated collection for both enthusiasts and novice TTRPG fans alike. I will be assembling a more sprawling, exhaustive list on a separate repository which I will post later this year. Until then feel free to suggest or recommend your own through our Contact Us page.

Happy gaming!

Digital TTRPG Gaming Tools

Virtual Table Tops (VTTs) for playing online!

  • Roll20 – 
    The most popular VTT platform. Facilitates online roleplaying games with customizable character sheets, dynamic maps, and many other features.
    Cloud-based. Free- or- Subscription-based.
  • Foundry
    Known for its robust customization options allowing game masters to create more interactive worlds with tools for map-building, character creation, and rule implementation. Server hosted. One-time DM purchase.
  • Alchemy
    A narrative-driven VTT built for cinematic immersion, with animated environments, particle effects, and ambient sound. Less map, more and theater-of-the-mind.
  • Owlbear Rodeo
    A light-weight VTT that provides many of the main features without requiring a lot of set-up or preparation.
  • One More Multiverse
    A digital animation-based VTT that leverages rich pixel-art assets and cinematic effects to tell immersive stories. Cloud-based.
  • Tabyltop
    A light-weight VTT with features such as optimized integrated video, and automated tools.
  • TaleSpire – 
    3D-powered VTT that allows users to build intricate worlds using virtual tiles and miniatures, while also providing tools for dynamic storytelling and immersive roleplaying. One-time purchase per user.
  • Maptool – 
    Open source VTT and free forever. Dual virtual tabletop and map making tool with all the fundamentals to run a game. Downloadable

Digital Toolkits for Tabletop RPGs

  • Demiplane – Full digital management toolkit, similar to DnDBeyond, except for a wide array of games. Includes matchmaking, game hosting, Nexus (online store and subscription service), and a space for game journals and digital compendiums.

Campaign Management and Documentation/Wiki Tools

  • WorldAnvil – A powerful world-building platform for writers and creators, and a favorite of mine! Great for detailed settings, characters, and stories. Cloud-Based.
  • The Goblins Notebook – A TTRPG note-taking tool with a more light-hearted interface. Great for session planning, player diaries, and recaps. Cloud-Based.
  • Obsidian Portal – TTRPG-specific campaign management platform with seamless organization of characters, plots, and settings. Cloud-Based
  • Scabard – Writing and TTRPG organization tool that is easy to use, and has a nice clean interface for viewing. Cloud-Based.
  • Chronica – TTRPG campaign management tool with similar vibe to WorldAnvil, but with more layout and formatting options. Cloud-Based
  • LegendKeeper –
  • Campaign Logger

Virtual Ideaboards / Corkboard / Mind Maps

  • MiroAll around great idea board app that I’ve used for years on multiple projects and games.
  • WhimsicalGreat app for wireframes, mind maps, and flowcharts.
  • FigJamAnother great collaborative app for ideas and storyboards.

Maps and Visual Assets

Map-Building Tools for Tabletop RPGs

Online Tools

  • Inkarnate – A favorite of mine. Hands-on design tool for detailed fantasy maps. Great for regions and battle terrain.
  • Dungeondraft – Another popular hands-on design tool. Create colorful fantasy battle maps with a number of different assets.
  • Dungeonfog – An older entry, but useful for local and battle maps.
  • Azgaars Fantasy Map Generator – A fanciful mapgen that creates whole continents with a button click. Has a ton of customization options

Downloadable Tools

  • Dungeon Alchemist – A 2D / 3D friendly map maker that leverages algorithm to generate professional-looking maps! I’m an early Kickstarter backer of this one, and its been one of the best things I’ve backed!
  • Campaign Cartographer 3+ – A hefty map maker with ridiculous versatility. Though sometimes clunky, and is aging a bit, its quite powerful!
  • AutoRealm – An old-school map maker from the Windows 95/98/XP days. Has a vintage digital charm to it still.
  • Hexographer – For those who prefer hex-based maps. Its as simple as it gets!
  • Worldographer – Sequel to Hexographer, a no-frills, no-fuss downloadable map design and generator tool.
  • Dungeon Scrawl – A dungeon-specific map maker that is easy to use, and print-friendly!
  • Watabou – A site with a series of fantasy map generators! City, region, caves, dungeons, etc.
  • Donjon – Classic site with a plethora of easy, low-fi map and name generators. Great for all kinds of TTRPG.

Character Art Generators (Free)

(Note: It’s the position of CW not to condone generative AI software for character art due to its appropriation of copyrighted works without the artists consent.)

Miniatures and Digital Tokens

  • Token Maker – Standard token maker. Take any image, and give it a round border. Poof!
  • The Token Vault – An online store for premium combat tokens.

Other Art Resources

Due to the grand selection of art resources out there, I’ve begun putting together an “Art and Aesthetic Resources” page. Once it is out of draft form, I will unveil it and link it here for reference.

If you want to stay up-to-date on site developments and other items, consider signing up for the CW Weekly Newsletter!

Media and Video (TBD)

Favorite Youtube / Twitch Channels 2024

In the tabletop RPG space, there are a ton of great video content creators. Here are just an assortment that you should check out.

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Favorite Podcasts

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Great Articles/Resource Sites

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Organization Resources

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Local Resources (Minnesota)

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Social Media Resources

Hashtags for Tabletop RPGs


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Subreddits for Tabletop RPGs

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