Generate a great name? Share your favorites in the comments below!!
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A blog about worldbuilding, TTRPGs, and fantasy/sci-fi!
Generate a great name? Share your favorites in the comments below!!
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Every world and adventuring party has them, and every self-serving bandit has their name in the underworld. From pirates of the high seas, to masked bandits in the desert, to those employed to adventuring parties, to charlatans running their cons amongst societies wealthy, they seek the means to gain a fortune in gold, power, respect, and much more, at the behest of their victims. Shady alleys, abandoned warehouses, tattered saloons, dockyards, boardwalks, slums, thick forests, high hills, mountain passes, tradewinds, seaside outposts. You’re bound to find rogues everywhere!
So, I present to you the Rogue Name Generator; a roulette for chancers looking to get rich off some dirty work!
This generator spans between male, neutral, and female names with a lot of overlap in between. A long list of casual, down-to-earth names fused with nicknames sharpened with the edge of a knife. Care is taken to evoke a truly prolific feel to each of the names, also taking a span from a number of origins in real world locations to keep things variant.
Find your rogue character name today!
(Version 1.0) – 220+ first names, 220+ last names, 220+ nicknames. Deployed Bandit name generator.
(Version 1.1) – Adjusted the generator sizing. Expanded to 8 options. Changed to “Rogue” name generator.
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Cool concept! Especially how you put the nickname quotes in there! It gives the names a nice touch, and a sense of character. Cottonmouth, Bats, and Coyote sound like really interesting nicknames for a rogue. Nicely done, sir!