Ocean Planet Name Generator

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Dive into the depths of alien worlds, and explore the waters of an exotic ocean planet!

With the Ocean Planet Name Generator, you can generate names for water-based or seafaring planets for your fantasy or science fiction galaxy. Imagine mesmerizing orbs of blue, green, purple, or whatever color you desire. Each world need a powerful name to capture the spirit of its alien depths, storm-ridden atmosphere, strings of archipelagos or small continents, seas of strange flora and mythic creatures, strategic importance to the empire, resource rich deposits, and much more!

Select from a batch of names pulled from a wide inventory of descriptive metaphors, visual descriptors, words of calm or raging waters, embodiments of ancient gods or goddesses of divine patheons, legendary tales, references to real life rivers or bodies of water, and a plethora of compound suffixes and prefixes mixing and matching as you please! … All at the click of a button!

This is the eighteenth random name generator developed for Chaotican Writer, following upon a theme of interplanetary travel. With numerous categories of planets possible, we’re aiming to provide a gallery of generators flavored for the planet, planetoid, large astroid, or world of your choice.

Are you needing a homeworld for your sea-bourne protagonist? A setting for your sci-fi short story? An open ocean world for a pirate epic, nautical adventure, tales of deep exploration, battles against factions, or as part of your collection of planets for your 4X game (Stellaris, Endless Space, Galactic Civilizations)? … Whether its a voyage to the stars, or a voyage under the waves, consider diving right into the Ocean Planet Name Generator!

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