Fallout Character Name Generator


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By a Fallout fan, for Fallout fans…
Welcome to the Fallout Character Name Generator!

In the post-nuclear wasteland, centuries after the world was consumed in fire and radiation, only the strong and the quick survive. Beset by relentless raiders, mutated creatures, and warring factions, suvivors struggled to rebuild civilization amongst mysterious ruins, underground vaults, and radioactive landscapes.

Dangers lurk around every corner, whether you find yourself in the ruins of the Capital Wasteland, the arid wastes of the Mojave Desert, the sprawl of the New California Republic, or the wilderness around the Commonweath in the outskirts of Boston. This generator has been engineered for players of the Fallout game franchise, fans of the TV show, fan-fic authors, tabletop RPG players, or worldbuilding enthusiasts looking to build their own Atompunk setting.

Fallout Character Name Generator offers a robust selection of names for humans and ghouls alike, inspired by naming conventions of the 1930’s through 50’s alike, all which harken to mid-century America. For the aspirant of the Brotherhood of Steel, the generator provides title and name for your ranking member of the notorious faction, inspired by roman names and names of strength from other cultures. Finally, robots and super-mutants enjoy a presence here as well, taking unique monikers built from adjective-driven personalities and model designations.

Who is your character exploring the rad-filled expanse? A vault dweller? Perhaps it is a carvan trader, a grizzled mercenary, a obedient squire, heralded knight, rage-filled supermutant, a Mr. Handy robot, or something else entirely?

Whatever your identity, life in the wasteland has taught you a sobering lesson.

War. … War Never Changes.

What inspired this random name generator was my passion for the games, but also the designing of a RPG campaign using the Fallout TTRPG 2d20 system ny Modiphius. I wanted to invoke names that matched the tone of the setting, and the atmosphere of a post-war society after the fall of civilization. Prewar Fallout consists of an alternate history cannon where technology and society remained fixed on a 1950’s retro-futuristic theme. The Great War that occurred in 2077 plunged the world in nuclear fire. Those who could took shelter inside underground vaults built by Vault-tec. Others perished, while few just barely survived in the desolate, irradiated world around them.

I recommend accompanying your use of this tool with some Fallout radio music.

If you enjoy using this tool, I’d love it if you bookmarked this page, and consider using it in your fanfiction story, roleplaying game, video game save file, or other worldbuilding or storytelling endeavor.  

Just press the button, and build your wastelander today!!

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5 months ago

I like this one! This one has very natural sounding and productive names for the Fallout universe, whether for PC/console gaming OR on table top! It definitely hits that 1950’s vibe.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
Chaotican Writer