…and thank you for supporting the site! It means a lot to us!
Friendly townsfolk. Mysterious wanderers. Noble knights. Charismatic shopkeepers.
Today, we proudly announce the release of our first ever published PDF resource to hit the worldbuilding and tabletop gaming blogosphere; the Fantasy NPC Generator, a fantastic tool designed to empower dungeon/game masters, writers, worldbuilders, game designers, and enthusiasts alike.
This 12-page PDF comes with the following:
- Five LARGE Percentile Tables
- 800 First Names (Masculine, Feminine, Non-Binary)
- 400 Surnames/Family Names
- 250 Professions/Backgrounds
- 100 Ancestry (One-word) Prompts
- 100 Upbringing (One-word) Prompts
- 100 Demeanor (One-word) Prompts
This Fantasy NPC Generator PDF offers an extensive array of options, including a vast matrix of character names, backgrounds, and characteristics that can be forged together to create awesome characters that mesh within the colorful fabric of your fantasy world.
Designed with clean, print-friendly, and readable formatting, this resource is a perfect addition to the library of storytellers and game masters everywhere!
And its just the first of many publications to come!
Why did we create this resource?
Two reasons!
First, passion. … As a longtime game master, writer, and artist, I’ve always been thrilled to create!
When it comes to building worlds for players to explore and thrive, or for telling a compelling narrative, much of the excitement comes in when you begin filling that world with people. Seeing what kind of colorful and storied individuals populate its cities, villages, wilderness, and roads truly make the experience of worldbuilding come to life. There is a sense of realism and magic that it bestows to imagine flesh-and-bone individuals occupying homes, making a living, raising families, creating and maintaining communities, and even exploring its vast landscape on their own quest of truth.
Second, is value! … I’ve always been driven towards creating things that don’t simply inspire myself or help the site, but provide an active value to the TTRPG community, and the broader ecosystem of creators and world builders at large.
Making random name generators for the site began as a fun add-on, providing options at the click of a button. It quickly spun into a game-changer for the site, grabbing the attention of thousands of viewers, and tens of thousands of visits. It made me feel excited to know that it was providing something of value to others on the internet that had the same sort of passions I did!
Pay What You Want!
Of course, running Chaotican Writer isn’t without expense. Thats just the tall and the short of hosting a small TTRPG site and trying to build it into something amazing! … Also, the internet is filled with resources for tabletop enthusiasts, some paid and some free, and everyone has a different financial situations.
Which is why I’m offering this publication as Pay What You Want!!
$2 … $5 … $10 … Bricks of gold? … FREE? … Its up to you!!
(And if you do decide to, thank you so much for your support!)
Click on the link below, and grab it for yourself!
If you enjoy random generators, might I suggest some that provide options at the click of a button?
Also, check out some of our worldbuilding articles!
- Aetherpunk, Magitech, and Technomancy: Whats the difference?
- Dimensions and Planar Cosmologies in Fantasy Worldbuilding
- Factions in Science Fiction and Fantasy (How to Build a Faction)
Stock Image Credits:
- Free Parchment – Assassin Games Licensed under CC 4.0 Attribution.
- Fantasy Mystical Window – Stefan Keller Licensed under Pixabay Content License.
- Fairy Woman – Enrique Meseguer Licensed under Pixabay Content License
Stock Image Licenses:
- Dirtbags! a Sci-Fi Shooter RPG: Gameplay Review! - March 23, 2025
- Nerds and Knights: a TTRPG “Nerd Nite” Presentation - February 28, 2025
- Odd Mart Oddities: JP Coovert’s Nintendo-style TTRPG Zines! - January 14, 2025