Doomsong RPG Launches! A Game of Medieval Horror and Biblical Apocalypse

Prepare yourself for some Roleplay Macabre!
Doomsong, a new horror tabletop roleplaying game, has recently dropped, and the grim world at the center of a Biblical apocalypse has unleashed the throngs of the dead. Gather yours shovels, and prepare your occult tomes!
We’ve been on a roll with diving into projects adjacent to the stone giant that’s Modiphius recently. After embarking on the post-apocalyptic Fallout 2d20 journey in private games with friends, and gushing over the core rulebook of Cursed Captains of Cthulhu created independently by some of its staff (but created through Black Cats Gaming), its time for another sleek entry. This one was more of a find I stumbled upon during my graveyard shift; one that grabbed my throat like a skeletal hand reaching out of the coffin to wreak havoc upon the world!
From the depths of the underworld, Doomsong crawled into the mortal coil, draped in a tattered and stark art style and a theme driven to infect the living. Therefore, why not dig into the topsoil a bit, and take a look at this new release from Caesar Ink? … We’re digging a shallow grave, but one worth preparing you for the six foot experience!

DOOMSONG: Lord Have Mercy Upon Us

DOOMSONG is a tabletop RPG by Caesar Ink, which depicts a medieval Biblical apocalypse. The dead are being turned away from gates of the underworld, forced to flood the world of the living. It draws inspiration from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, medieval folk horror, and European mythologies through the ages.

Welcome to Painyme, a nation of saints and sinners, of foul heresy and undying devotion.

Within this tome, a grim world of medieval horror awaits. Players will find themselves navigating a land poised between two extremes: the Ecclesiarchy’s justice and order on one side and the silken allure of heresy and power on the other. Within this book, you’ll find everything you need to run your own Roleplay Macabre.

You strive as characters in this forsaken world against miscreants and the undead, armed with courage and shovels. It sports a unique character creation system, full bestiary, and an occult library of powers; everything that is needed to stop the plagues of the Traitor Gods.

What depths does this doomed tome contain?

The system is simple; a six sided die and one coin to generate a characters entire backstory, bringing them from initiation, to the grounds of the Gravediggers’ Guild. It takes just minutes to crack open the book, and have your characters game-ready.

The 300-page Doomsong Core Rulebook is a deluxe embossed thermo-leather hardback that features:

  • Dustjacket that doubles as a GM reference sheet.
  • Unique Character creation, live your backstory.
  • Monstrous bestiary of macabre horror.
  • Occult abilities to wrest power from the Traitor Gods themselves.
  • Dark medieval world undergoing a biblical apocalypse.

Doomsong’s core rulebook is filled with the stark black-and-white artwork by Mortiz Krebs (@blackcrabart). The dustjacket GM screen is a clever design, and the notion of quick play from the moment of picking up the game is sure to get players hooked into the setting and experience post-haste.


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Biblical beginnings to apocalyptic acclaim!

Another successful Kickstarter project risen from the ashes, Doomsongs campaign launched October 2023 to over £20,883, and released in full the very next year with rave reception from its backers and the broader community. Praised for its beautiful art and design, its already proving to be a welcome addition to any horror roleplaying enthusiasts table and bookshelf.

Aside from the core rulebook, a campaign hardback “Lord Have Mercy Upon Us” places characters into the Gravediggers Guild, tasked to solve mysteries and pursue a monsterous force within a land represented within an entire sandbox map.

Furthermore, a broader Doomsong Bundle includes the core rulebook, the above campaign book, pre-printed character sheets, cloth map of the plaguescape, reference cards, and more; everything to get you started on the road through death and ruin.

Want to give the game a try with your friends, or give the rules a look-see? They’ve released a free demo!

Ready to buy? Grab the product here:

Rolando, the Chesire Wizard

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About the author

Avid geek, amateur historian, long time tabletop game master, content creator, and storytelling enthusiast. Matthew is a Augsburg University grad with a focused passion on fantastical storyworlds. He is also a musician, improv actor, live streamer, and proud favorite uncle. If you would like to know more, contact him, OR follow him on social media!
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