Halloween 2018 Update, New Hosting, Adventurers League, and NaNoWriMo! (Blog #1)

It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve put out an update! Best not to let this blog become stale!

Happy Halloween!

Its Spooky Wednesday! No doubt all of you are dressed for the occasion, sporting your fashionable freak-wear for frightening the flighty and fiddle-footed. I shall admit that despite my busy schedule, a unique arrangement of the song “This Is Halloween” has been playing repeatedly in my head as the season has turned, maddening me ever so silently until the hour of rising when when devilish creatures and abysmal horrors emerge from their slumber to wreak terror upon the earth.

This year, I’ve been piecing together a light costume inspired by the mad hatter, with a bit of a steampunk twist. Of course, it is missing numbers effects! I’ll have to complete the outfit deeper into November before the belated Halloween party this weekend!

New Hosting Space

One project that I’ve been working to fulfill is getting chaoticanwriter.com on a new hosting space. Unfortunately, the old space just doesn’t have the features and the speed optimization needed for the blog to flourish, so its an important chore to the future of the site.

As with any technical project, while I’m usually adept at doing these things myself, I’ve been pulling my hair out to determine the best option to migrate everything over. Now that I have those tools in place, the transfer should happen within this next month!

How this blog came about.

I’m glad that I’ve gotten the opportunity to share some of my thoughts and my writing with my friends, and acquaintances on the internet. When I created this blog, I knew that I wanted to begin a channel for me to provide useful insight and resources to aspiring writers, and provide a platform for my own writing. Of course, as the forces of personal resistance tend to do, I was prevented from pushing that idea forward for a long time.

What resulted was a long period of away time before I decided that I wanted to publish something. In the absence of direction, I decided I wanted to write about what I was doing in my free time as a Dungeons and Dragons DM (Dungeon Master), especially since I was just starting Adventurers League.

Thankfully, getting that bit out into the open, and writing some articles enabled me to make serious considerations about what my blog can be used for. So, without at atrocious inner voice of criticism, I started writing more. I realize that starting off-topic was the necessary step to get things going. It’s the same lesson learned from writing anything else. Sometimes, you just need to put fingers to keys before you have an idea of what it’s all supposed to be about.

Going forward, I’m hoping to provide content for both writing and table-top games, but the main goal is providing a platform and thought-bubble for the writing experience, fantasy world-building, and other concepts.

Adventurers League

Starting in season 8, I began hosting Dungeons and Dragons Adventurers League @ Tower Games in Minneapolis on Thursdays. We’ve been going through the hardcover of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, and I’ve been having a blast roleplaying the various NPCs and providing a storytelling experience of what the city is like, and what the characters are encountering on their journey.

If you want to know more about the setting, check out my article on Waterdeep: Dragon Heist here:

* http://www.chaoticanwriter.com/get-the-gold-excitement-brews-for-waterdeep-dragon-heist/



NaNoWriMo 2018

Now being some 75,000 words into my dark fantasy novel (Untitled), I realize that a significant opportunity is approaching for me to make a great leap of progress.

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is just around the corner, which means that many people throughout the world will be engaging in a campaign to write a brand new novel, and writing at least 50,000 words in one month! Of course, while being a classic participant means creating a new work, I’m going to be a rebel and focus my efforts on the current work.

This is going to be my first NaNoWriMo! It is also going to be quite the challenge, given my schedule, and my compounding distractions. To make the time worthwhile, I am going to need to cut out a number of these distractions, which means I might end up being a bit of a recluse for a portion of the month. In any case, even if I don’t make 50,000 words, I can make certain progress on the novel and finally work towards rewriting and redrafting. Even at this time, the older items I wrote seem to be getting bit stale.

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About the author

Avid geek, amateur historian, long time tabletop game master, content creator, and storytelling enthusiast. Matthew is a Augsburg University grad with a focused passion on fantastical storyworlds. He is also a musician, improv actor, live streamer, and proud favorite uncle. If you would like to know more, contact him, OR follow him on social media!
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Chaotican Writer